Why Choose Bamboo Decking: A Comparison with Other Sustainable Decking Materials

As environmental concerns become more prevalent in our society, people are looking for sustainable options in all areas of their lives, including their home renovations. When it comes to decking, bamboo has emerged as a popular choice due to its sustainability and durability. In this article, we will compare bamboo decking to other sustainable decking materials and explore why bamboo decking is the best choice.

Bamboo Decking vs. Wood Decking

Wood decking has been a popular choice for years due to its natural beauty and affordability. However, wood decking comes with several downsides. Wood decking requires a significant amount of maintenance, including regular staining and sealing to prevent rot and decay. Additionally, wood decking is not sustainable as it requires cutting down trees, which contributes to deforestation.

Bamboo, on the other hand, is an incredibly sustainable material. Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on earth, and it can be harvested every 3-5 years without killing the plant. This makes it an excellent alternative to traditional wood decking. Additionally, bamboo is naturally resistant to rot and decay, so it requires minimal maintenance.

Bamboo Decking vs. Composite Decking

Composite decking is another popular option for those looking for a sustainable deck. Composite decking is made from a combination of recycled plastics and wood fibers. While composite decking is a more sustainable option than traditional wood decking, it still has several downsides.

Composite decking is prone to fading and staining, and it can warp and crack over time. Additionally, composite decking is not biodegradable, which means it will end up in a landfill when it is no longer usable. Bamboo decking, on the other hand, is 100% biodegradable and will not contribute to landfill waste.

Bamboo Decking vs. PVC Decking

PVC decking is a synthetic decking material made from plastic. While PVC decking is a sustainable option as it is made from recycled materials, it has several downsides. PVC decking is prone to fading and cracking, especially in hot weather. Additionally, PVC decking is not biodegradable, which means it will end up in a landfill when it is no longer usable.

Bamboo decking is a more sustainable and durable option than PVC decking. Bamboo decking is resistant to fading, cracking, and warping, making it an excellent choice for outdoor use. Additionally, bamboo is 100% biodegradable, which means it will not contribute to landfill waste.

Why Choose Bamboo Decking?

After comparing bamboo decking to other sustainable decking materials, it is clear that bamboo decking is the best choice. Bamboo decking is sustainable, durable, and requires minimal maintenance. Additionally, bamboo decking is versatile and can be used in a variety of applications, from decking to furniture and flooring.

At The Composite Company, we are proud to offer bamboo decking as a sustainable and durable alternative to traditional wood decking. Our bamboo decking is made from high-quality bamboo and is available in a variety of colors and finishes. Contact us today to learn more about our bamboo decking options and how they can transform your outdoor living space.


In conclusion, bamboo decking is a sustainable and durable alternative to traditional wood decking and other sustainable decking materials like composite and PVC. Bamboo decking requires minimal maintenance, is resistant to rot and decay, and is biodegradable. Additionally, bamboo decking is versatile and can be used in a variety of applications. If you are looking for a sustainable decking material, bamboo decking is the best choice. At The Composite Company, we offer high-quality bamboo decking in a variety of colors and finishes. Contact us today to learn more about our bamboo decking options and how they can transform your outdoor living space.

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